News Monitoring Licence Scheme for Photocopies & Facsimiles of Hong Kong Newspapers

Licence is for distributing photocopies of Newspaper Articles to Clients.
Details of various licences cover from 15 November 2023 to 14 November 2024:

Type Criteria Pricing Form
Very low-usage client For any client receiving not more than 10 articles extracted from selected newspaper each month. Fees will be determined by the type, number of client and the rates set by the newspapers. Download and fill in Application Form
Low-usage client For any client receiving not more than 30 articles extracted from selected newspaper each month.
Medium-usage client For any client receiving not more than 60 articles extracted from selected newspaper each month.
High-usage client For any client receiving more than 60 articles extracted from selected newspaper each month.

It's not applicable to any electronic/scanned, Intranet, Internet or any other licence, if the licences offered cannot cater to all your needs, please contact us by phone at 3586 9943 or by e-mail to for further enquiry.

For QUICK application, please click here.